VSC® 8000/HS
For the expert analysis of questioned documents
Our most advanced QDE workstation to date, the VSC 8000/HS combines sophisticated digital imaging and multi-wavelength illumination technology with a clear and efficient software interface, to provide a complete solution to the examination of all questioned documents.
Cutting-edge examination techniques including, multi-spectral imaging (from UV through the visible to IR); 3D topographical imaging; hyper-spectral imaging; and full-spectrum color analysis; may all be used to authenticate questioned documents, detect evidence of tampering, and to identify counterfeits and frauds.
The Essential VSC
Forensic Document Workstation
Designed to meet the requirements of immigration authorities, government security agencies & forensic science laboratories, VSC Workstations are suitable for the examination, comparison and authentication of all written and printed documents as well as works of art and valuable artefacts.
Super Resolution
Document Imaging

Unique to the VSC 8000/HS, Super Resolution Imaging (SRI) is an optical system providing excellent clarity and image resolution of documents captured using a high-precision camera.
Detect Fakes, Counterfeits
& Evidence of Tampering

Visual examinations of documents under high magnification can quickly reveal physical evidence of tampering while examinations under various wavebands of illumination can expose alterations.
Visualise and Authenticate Document Security Features

Used by immigration authorities, government agencies, and forensic examiners worldwide, the VSC 8000/HS includes specialist modes of illumination and licensed software to detect and authenticate semi-covert security features that cannot otherwise be discerned by the human eye
For the Expert Analysis of All Questioned Documents
Designed to meet the requirements of immigration authorities, government agencies, and forensic science laboratories, the VSC 8000/HS includes advanced features for the examination, comparison, and authentication of documents including passports and travel documents, official letters and breeder documents, banknotes and cheques, works of art and valuable artefacts through the detection of irregularities.

Intelligent Software
Introducing the VSC Suite
At the heart of the VSC 8000/HS is sophisticated software that maximizes the effectiveness of document examinations by providing the user with complete control of all VSC functions via a quick-access toolbar.
Document Specific
A range of application focussed workspaces provides tools and functions specific to the type of document being examined. Pre-set workspaces include Passports, ID cards, banknotes, and handwriting analysis.
Predefined procedures greatly increase both the speed and efficiency of examinations. Results are displayed and stored together with VSC examination settings.
Calibration &
To ensure accurate and repeatable results, the system can be calibrated using NIST traceable standards. Reliable system performance can be verified using simple, automated diagnostics to check the status of motors, light sources, and filters.
Product Webinars

VSC8000/HS: 3D Imaging of Documents
Ink stamps and pen strokes – using the VSC 8000/HS to determine the order in which marks were added to a document.
Using the VSC 8000/HS to isolate ink stamps, suppressing complicated backgrounds, and to image pen strokes in 3D.

New Developments in Document Examination
foster+freeman invests heavily in the research and design of new and improved technologies for the examination of questioned documents.
New developments include future-proofing hardware components and software developments such as 3D imaging.

VSC8000/HS: Remote Document Examination
Using VSC’s to examine Questioned Documents over a secure network.
Demonstrating how the current range of VSC instruments may be used to share examination-quality digitized documents across a network.