Crime-lite® XL
The worlds most powerful handheld led forensic light source:
96 high power LEDs providing 115 Watts of narrowband illumination.
Fully portable and robust, the XL has been optimized for wide area examination of crime scenes and emulates the power density and effectiveness of a forensic laser at a fraction of the cost.
The range offers units with blue, blue-green, green and orange wavelengths effective in detecting trace evidence such as blood, body fluids, drugs, fibers, and explosive residues.
Discover Your Ideal Light Source Today
Use the Crime-lite Configurator to explore our Crime-lite range and discover the ideal light source and accessories to Detect More Evidence during your next investigation…
Providing unrivaled LED illumination, Crime-lite XL light sources have numerous forensic applications.

Blood on black fabric
As blood absorbs all light in the bandwidth of 300-500nm, stains and spatter marks will appear black against light coloured backgrounds or on surfaces that fluoresce under UV, Violet or Blue light.

Semen on underwear
Body fluids including semen, sweat, saliva and urine are of high value to forensic investigators as a vital source of DNA, and can all be seen to fluoresce brightly under UV, Violet and Blue illumination.

Bone & Tooth on soil
Even the smallest fragments of bone and tooth left at a crime scene will fluoresce under Blue, Blue/Green and/or Green illumination.

Hair on bloody fabric
Some human and animal hair will fluoresce brightly under Viole and/or Blue illumination.

Fibres on Carpet
Fibres can often provide a vital link between a suspect and crime scene or item of evidence with many high profile prosecutions having rested upon the discovery of a single fibre. Blue, Blue-Green, Green and Orange light sources can all be used in the detection of fibres.

The presence of GSR on a surface or clothing can be used to link a firearm to a suspect or crime scene while the analysis of its pattern of dispersal can help investigators identify where a shot was fired and in which direction. GSR and other explosive residues will fluoresce within the Blue – Blue/Green wavebands and also in the near infrared 700-1100nm.

Traces of accelerant found at arson scenes may give an indication whether a fire was accidental of started with intent. Flammable liquids including Petrol, Diesel and Methyated Spirits can all be seen to fluoresce under Blue, Blue/Green and Green illumination.
Providing unrivaled LED illumination, Crime-lite XL light sources have numerous forensic applications.
Blue Light

Blood on black fabric
As blood absorbs all light in the bandwidth of 300-500nm, stains and spatter marks will appear black against light coloured backgrounds or on surfaces that fluoresce under UV, Violet or Blue light.

Semen on underwear
Body fluids including semen, sweat, saliva and urine are of high value to forensic investigators as a vital source of DNA, and can all be seen to fluoresce brightly under UV, Violet and Blue illumination.

Bone & Tooth on soil
Even the smallest fragments of bone and tooth left at a crime scene will fluoresce under Blue, Blue/Green and/or Green illumination.

Hair on bloody fabric
Some human and animal hair will fluoresce brightly under Viole and/or Blue illumination.

Fibres on Carpet
Fibres can often provide a vital link between a suspect and crime scene or item of evidence with many high profile prosecutions having rested upon the discovery of a single fibre.

The presence of GSR on a surface or clothing can be used to link a firearm to a suspect or crime scene while the analysis of its pattern of dispersal can help investigators identify where a shot was fired and in which direction. GSR and other explosive residues will fluoresce within the Bue – Blue/Green wavebands and also in the near infrared 700-1100nm.

Traces of accelerant found at arson scenes may give an indication whether a fire was accidental of started with intent. Flammable liquids including Petrol, Diesel and Methyated Spirits can all be seen to fluoresce under Blue, Blue/Green and Green illumination.
Blue/Green Light

Bone & Tooth on soil
Even the smallest fragments of bone and tooth left at a crime scene will fluoresce under Blue, Blue/Green and/or Green illumination.

Fibres on Carpet
Fibres can often provide a vital link between a suspect and crime scene or item of evidence with many high profile prosecutions having rested upon the discovery of a single fibre.

The presence of GSR on a surface or clothing can be used to link a firearm to a suspect or crime scene while the analysis of its pattern of dispersal can help investigators identify where a shot was fired and in which direction. GSR and other explosive residues will fluoresce within the Bue – Blue/Green wavebands and also in the near infrared 700-1100nm.

Traces of accelerant found at arson scenes may give an indication whether a fire was accidental of started with intent. Flammable liquids including Petrol, Diesel and Methyated Spirits can all be seen to fluoresce under Blue, Blue/Green and Green illumination.
Green Light

Bone & Tooth on soil
Even the smallest fragments of bone and tooth left at a crime scene will fluoresce under Blue, Blue/Green and/or Green illumination.

Fibres on Carpet
Fibres can often provide a vital link between a suspect and crime scene or item of evidence with many high profile prosecutions having rested upon the discovery of a single fibre.

Traces of accelerant found at arson scenes may give an indication whether a fire was accidental of started with intent. Flammable liquids including Petrol, Diesel and Methyated Spirits can all be seen to fluoresce under Blue, Blue/Green and Green illumination.
Orange Light

Fibres on Carpet
Fibres can often provide a vital link between a suspect and crime scene or item of evidence with many high profile prosecutions having rested upon the discovery of a single fibre.
Crime-lite anti-glare viewing goggles and camera filters are essential for the examination and photography of fluorescent evidence and are supplied as standard with all Crime-lite XL cased sets.
Each anti-glare filter is manufactured from Schott glass with an additional coating to suppress auto-fluorescent emissions from the Schott glass itself, thus ensuring maximum optical performance when using high power light sources.
As standard Foster + Freeman camera lens filters are supplied with 62mm fittings, other sizes are available on request.

The Crime-lite XL portable power pack provides a perfect solution during crime scene investigations where the examiner requires improved mobility without the hindrance of trailing wires or where there is limited access to AC power.
The Crime-lite XL is attached to the power pack via a heavy-duty power cable to a pair of rechargeable Li batteries mounted in the integrated battery booster assembly at the base of the pack. The durable all-weather padded pack is designed to be worn across one shoulder allowing complete freedom of movement as well as quick and easy access to the rucksacks storage compartments

Available for use with all Foster + Freeman Crime-lites, this heavy-duty low-profile articulated arm allows for easy hands-free operation of high-intensity light sources.
Internal power cables can be used to connect the Crime-lite (and optional camera) to an AC mains power outlet without trailing wires.
Crime-lite’s are attached via an adjustable clamp.

CSI Case
available in a variety of sizes for all Crime-lite forensic light sources.
CSI Case Trolley
for easy transportation of Crime-lite CSI cases.

Spare or replacement batteries and battery chargers are available for all handheld Crime-lites. The following components are available for the Crime-lite XL:
Battery for use in Crime-lite XL Power Pack
- TYPE: 18V Li Ion rechargeable
Charger for use with Crime-lite XL Power Pack
- CHARGE TIME: 22 minutes
AC Power Adaptor