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Multiple Graduate Opportunities (Electronics, Mechanics, Optical, Software Testing)
foster+freeman are currently recruiting for a range of graduate roles accross our development team. Whether you are qualified in Electronics, Mechanics, Optical or Software testing, we would like to hear from you.

Longwave Reflected UV for the Enhancement of Cyanoacrylate Fumed Fingerprints
Longwave Reflected UV for the Enhancement of Cyanoacrylate Fumed Fingerprints Research conducted by Foster+Freeman, has added further weight to the argument that Longwave Reflected-UV (LWUVR) imaging should be considered the first choice examination technique when searching for fingerprints on superglue-fumed evidence. In a paper accepted for publication by Forensic Science International, tests on a variety of evidence types emphatically demonstrate the benefits of LWUVR imaging for the visualization of cyanoacrylate fumed (CAF) prints when compared with conventional techniques. Plastic milk container with glossy label treated with CAF and viewed under(A) white light illumination, (B) LWUVR, and (C) BY40 fluorescence examination

Visualising Fluorescent Fingermarks Developed Using 1,2 Indandione
Visualising Fluorescent Fingermarks Developed Using 1,2 Indandione A study has demonstrated that by trimming the illumination wavelength and narrowing the viewing bandwidth, markedly better results can be achieved when examining fingerprints treated using 1,2 Indandione. When 1,2 Indandione was first proposed as a fingermark development reagent in 1997, researchers quickly saw its potential as a low-cost alternative to DFO for the development of fluorescent marks on porous materials including paper. To achieve the best possible results, most research suggests that evidence is dipped, washed, or sprayed with a working solution of 1,2 Indandione dissolved in ethyl acetate and HFE 7100,