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California IAI

To bring persons who are actively engaged in the profession of Identification and Scientific Investigation into an organized body so that the profession, in all of its disciplines, may be administered and practiced in an ethical and effective manner

To encourage the improvement of all disciplines of Forensic Identification and Investigation by fostering and supporting the need for original research, refinements of current methodology and professional training.

Polsecure 2024

For many years, the Kielce trade fair has been an excellent place to present effective, technologically advanced equipment the Border Guard have at their disposal. Also other Polish uniformed services responsible for public safety use this modern equipment. The uniformed formations' modernisation and technological development is necessary these days, especially in the face of current threats. The war is just beyond our borders. We have experienced the greatest migration pressure on Poland's borders in history - this is part of the hybrid war. Therefore, I hope that next year's trade fair will once again become a platform for a fruitful exchange of experiences, learning about the latest solutions and technologies, and a harbinger of successes resulting from the contracts concluded here - said the Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Border Guard for Logistics, Brigadier General SG Wioleta Gorzkowska.

World Border Security Congress

The World Border Security Congress is a high level three day event for senior border officials to discuss and debate current and future policies, implementation issues and challenges as well as new and developing technologies that contribute towards safe and secure border and migration management.

Southeastern Association or Forensic Document Examiners

SAFDE is a professional organization of Forensic Document Examiners in the Southeastern region of the United States of America. It was founded in 1988. This site was created to provide SAFDE members with current news as well as give visitors a way to contact a professional in the field of forensic document examination.